Friday, May 24, 2013

Today these 3 haiku soundscape pieces are available from Subterranean Tide.

3 soundworks in increments of 5/7/5 minutes long, for each line of this haiku. Click the picture to visit the netlabel and listen/download:

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Aloha & Salutations

This is basically a test post, the first for the website newsfeed.

I'll start by saying I'm grateful for all who listen to my works, take interest, or who I collaborate and connect to via our creative flotsam and jetsam.

Here, I'll soon add news, new works & projects, beginning with the link to this 3 part instrumental collection I did for the CC netlabel, Subterranean Tide.

This project concept was to write/use a haiku, then make a musical piece for each line, 5/7/5 minutes in length, following the classic haiku pattern.